Today, 8 of March, is celebrated the International Women’s Day (IWD) originally called International Working Women’s Day around the world. A day to fight for the equality, participation and empowerment of women in all spheres of society which was aimed to raise awareness among the population, governments and states about the existence of problems that threaten women’s rights and that today, still need to be solved.
At the present time, this day has a major meaning for us all and has become a fight that not only women, but men carry out too, with the focus always on equality and respect for all human beings no matter the gender or the race.
From IMPACT Ed Tech, we want to celebrate and applaud all the women involved in this experience which have shown a great knowledge in their fields, a great capacity for learning and implementing new methodologies to their projects, and most of all, who have demonstrated their power and strength to become whatever they want to; the CEO of their own company, a great photographer, an excellent sales women…
International Women’s Day, commemorates women’s struggle for participation in society, for women’s emancipation and for their full development as individuals. Today, let us give a big shout out to all the women entrepreneurs involved in this #IMPACTEdTech programme and let’s show that change is possible!